Science week in Largy College took place from Monday 11th November 201 to Friday 15th November 2019.

This coincided with National Science Week. There were various activities held by the Science Department both inside and outside of the classroom. 

The 1st year students completed a project based on one of the new Junior Cycle Learning Outcomes: ‘Students should be able to design, build and test a device that transforms energy from one form to another in order to perform a function; describe the energy changes and ways of improving efficiency’. The projects were of an excellent standard and the winners from each class and overall winners were presented with their trophies. There was also a quiz for 1st years with prizes for those students who came first and second. The 1st Years also had a movie day, ‘First Man’ was shown which is based on the story of Neil Armstrong landing on the moon which is also on the new Junior Science Course.

The 2nd year students completed a project based on one of the new Junior Cycle Learning Outcomes also: ‘Students should be able to develop and use a model of the Earth-sun-moon system to describe predictable phenomena observable on Earth, including seasons, lunar phases, and eclipses of the sun and moon’. The projects were of an excellent standard and the winners from each class and overall winners were presented with their trophies. There was also a quiz for the 2nd years with prizes for those students who came first and second. 2nd years also enjoyed a trip to Armagh Planetarium because Earth and Space is currently being covered in class with 2nd years. Overall it was a busy week but it was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

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Largy College, Post Primary School, Clones, Co Monaghan is part of the Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board, Bord Oideachais agus Oiliúna Chabháin agus Mhuineacháin


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