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TY Gaisce Adventure Trip

Gaisce – The President’s Award is a self-development programme that encourages students to get active, find their passion, be part of a team and make a difference in their community. Gaisce Participants achieve a Gaisce Award by completing Challenge Areas: Personal Skill, Physical recreation, Community Involvement, and an Adventure Journey. Largy College this year had 20 TY students completing the Gaisce Bronze Award.

The TY Gaisce Adventure Journey took place on Thursday 9th and Friday 10th of May. The expedition involved kayaking from Killeshandra to Cavan Adventure Centre, Carratraw, Belturbet. Students kayaked from Killeshandra on the first morning and set up their tents that evening in a suitable location. Students prepared their evening meals over a barbeque and enjoyed passing the evening chatting around the campfire. On day two students packed up camp and kayaked back to Cavan Adventure Centre, where they enjoyed the afternoon unwinding in the waterpark. Well done to the following students who on completion of their adventure journey have now completed the Gaisce Bronze Award: Caolan Connolly Smith, Kayla Reilly, Tegan O Toole, Shona Kelly, Karyn Mc Ginn, Cliodhna Greenan, Sadhbh Bonner, Ella Mc Carville , Emily Butler, Amelia Mc Adoo, Sinead Burns, Hannah Mc Cabe, Denisa Horvat, Sidra Ati, Rocha Clancy, Tara Belle Mc Caffrey, Dearbhla Quigley, Shane Mc Caughey and Fausta Peciulyte.

Also, many thanks to Ms McGovern, Mr Hogan and Ms Sherry who accompanied the students on their Adventure Journey.


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Largy College, Post Primary School, Clones, Co Monaghan is part of the Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board, Bord Oideachais agus Oiliúna Chabháin agus Mhuineacháin


Our information and notices will be published through Komeer and Clones Notice Boards

Telephone: +353 (047) 51132


Email : info@largy.ie
Registered Charity Number: 20083304