History aims to introduce students to the process of historical investigation and to the sources and techniques which historians use to find out about the past. In history, teachers strive to provide students with a comprehensive overview of past events, issues, people and ways of life through which they may be able to both distinguish and understand concepts like causes, consequences, change and continuity, using a variety of historical sources in order to promote and accommodate this kind of learning.
Teachers Names
Ms E Smith
Ms R McGroary
Ms J McGuirk
Ms J Acheson
Subject Overview
Junior Cycle History
The new Junior Certificate History programme was introduced for first year students in the academic year 2018/2019. Its basic makeup is as follows:
- A common level course
- 38 learning outcomes spread across three equally weighed strands:
- The Nature of History
- The History of Ireland
- The History of Europe and the Wider World
- Strand 1, The Nature of History seeks to get students to study the Strand 2 and 3 topics through the following elements:
- Developing historical consciousness
- Working with the evidence
- Acquiring the ‘big picture’
- Within Strands 2 and 3, students will have the opportunity to study elements of Irish, European and world history through:
- Applying historical thinking
- Recognizing key changes exploring people, cultures and ideas
- The new Junior Cycle History course includes a mixture of formative and summative assessment, comprising:
- Ongoing assessment across the three years of Junior Cycle
- Two Classroom Based Assessments (CBAs) in second and third year
- The Past in My Place in Second Year
- A Life in Time in Third Year
- An Assessment Task (AT) based on the second CBA, marked by the SEC
- A final exam at the end of Third Year, marked by the SEC
History Leaving Certificate
- The syllabus framework comprises of two interlinking parts:
- Working with evidence
- Topics for study
- Each topic is studied from a number of perspectives:
- Politics and Administration
- Society and Economy
- Culture, Religion and Science
- The listed ‘case studies’ involves an in-depth investigation of a particularly significant historical event
- Topics for study: Students study a topic that has been prescribed for the documents-study and three other topics. Two of the topics studied relate to Irish history and two to the history of Europe and the wider world. The topics are arranged in two distinct fields of study: Early Modern, 1492-1815; Later Modern, 1815-1993. Within each field of study, there are six topics from Irish history and six from the history of Europe and the wider world.
- Assessment: Leaving Certificate History is assessed at two levels – Ordinary level and Higher level. There are components:
- An examination paper (80%)
- A research study report - study of a subject of historical significance chosen by the student (20%)
History Trips
Read about our History trip here: https://largy.ie/index.php/sportsnews/312-1st-year-history-trip-to-historical-sites
Thomas Treanor Award
Trip to Clones, Round Tower
Career opportunities in your subject.
Leaving Certificate History prepares students for a range of career opportunities including:
- Teacher
- Lecturer
- Archaeologist
- Historian
- Academic librarian
- Civil Service administrator
- Heritage manager
- Museum/gallery conservator
- Politician’s assistant
- Records manager
Useful websites.