Showtime is December! for Largy

“Showtime” in Largy College

Largy College’s Student Council organise a number of key events throughout the year but without a doubt the most note worthy of these is Showtime.


Showtime is Largy College’s Christmas variety show that encompasses a wide variety of the talents of our students. Preparation for the event each year begins in late October with the audition notice appearing on the Student Notice board. The student council approve the formation of a judging panel comprising of two teachers and three students, who have the challenge of selecting acts to go through to the final. Every student is welcomed and encouraged to audition.

Once the judging panel select the acts for the final, the rehearsals begin. This all occurs during lunch time and after school and does not impede on class time. This student organised event has a wide variety of acts which include singing, dancing, acting and much more. Showtime provides Largy College students a fantastic opportunity to showcase their talents. The show is presented by the Head Prefects who ensure everything runs smoothly under the guidance of the Student Council co-ordinators Ms. Emma Smith and Ms. Geraldine Lyons. The judges for the night comprise of 3 members of the Clones/Monaghan community with links to the school/entertainment. The high standard of acts ensure that the judges on the night have the unenviable task of selecting the top 3.

Showtime always proves to be a very enjoyable night for all involved and all attendees.

Showtime creates lots of excitement and entertainment in the days leading up to Christmas within the Largy College and Clones community.


The Winners 

 2013 - Winners'

2013 girls

2014 - Winner 

Showtime 2014 winner small

2015 - Winners' 


2016 - Winner


2017 - WInners'

2017 champs 

2018 - Winner

Showtime 2018 winner 1

2019 - Latest WInners'

Showtime winner 2019

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Largy College, Post Primary School, Clones, Co Monaghan is part of the Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board, Bord Oideachais agus Oiliúna Chabháin agus Mhuineacháin


Our information and notices will be published through Komeer and Clones Notice Boards

Telephone: +353 (047) 51132


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Registered Charity Number: 20083304