The PE department in Largy College offers students the opportunity to experience a diverse range of activities, which enables pupils to fully develop their range of physical, analytical and social skills.


hall1 Lidl jerseys   hall
Sports day gym


Our P.E Department 

Mr. D. Mone

Ms. E. McCarron

Mr. R. McAnespie

Mrs. C. Sherry

Mr. K. Meisner


Junior Cycle Physical Education

Students of Largy College follow the new 135 hour Junior Cycle PE Curriculum – one period of PE per week in first year, two in second year and another one hour period in third year so that all pupils experience a minimum of 135 hours of quality Physical Education across the three years of their junior cycle.

The specification for Junior Cycle Physical Education focuses on developing a physically literate young person. It develops the knowledge, understanding, skills and values to facilitate informed, confident and competent participation in physical activity and a commitment to lifelong engagement.

Students will have the opportunity to participate in all of the following physical activity areas in Junior Cycle:

Students will use the fantastic facilities in Largy College including the large PE Hall, Gymnasium and Fitness Suite, Outdoor Pitch, Outdoor Basketball Courts and Handball Wall.

Largy College offers a wide range of extra-curricular activities. These include:

  • Gaelic Teams,
  • Athletics,
  • Soccer
  • Racket sports (tennis, badminton, table tennis and pickleball)
  • Basketball
  • Volleyball

Every year Largy College runs two whole-school sports events. The Largy College 5k Run and the Largy College Sports Day.


In Transition Year students get to do two sports modules:

Outdoor Pursuits

Students get to go to try out various sporting activities such as horse riding, canoeing, kayaking, climbing, banana boating, archery, nerf wars, bowling to name only a few.

Students can also compete in the Hell and Back Secondary Schools event which Largy College takes part in each year. 

Future Leaders Award.

Students get to experience 4 modules - Nutrition, Wellbeing, Coaching and Refereeing

Students get their GAA Foundation Coaching Badge, Go Games Refereeing cert and Child Protection Cert. These are essential to coach in your clubs and allow students the opportunity to seek employment at the Monaghan GAA Cul Camps at Easter and Summer.

Leaving Certificate PE

Largy College is now delighted to offer students the opportunity to study Leaving Certificate Physical Education for the first time in September 2024.

Students will utilise the excellent school sporting and IT facilities to study Physical Education at Leaving Cert.

The course is currently comprised of a Performance Assessment (30%), a Physical Activity Project (20%) and the final 6th year exam worth 50% of the overall grade.

More information about the LCPE course can be found here: LCPE_Specification_en.pdf (

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Largy College, Post Primary School, Clones, Co Monaghan is part of the Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board, Bord Oideachais agus Oiliúna Chabháin agus Mhuineacháin


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Registered Charity Number: 20083304